Watersedge continues to expand its Digital Dentistry practice with the addition of computer-aided surgery guides.
360Guide is a custom made surgical guide for each patient’s clinical situation allowing highly accurate drilling and implant placement according to the digital surgical treatment plan. 360Guide is there to guarantee more efficient and comfortable implant surgery, both for you and your patients. 360 surgical guides are available for all current implant systems.
We welcome you to meet with either of our certified technicians, Shawn Parisien or Jason Bowles, at any time to discuss a specific treatment plan or to answer any questions you may have about our guided surgery options.
Increase Predictability and Safety
360Guide helps you to transfer your treatment plan into clinical reality predictably. Complete information about the quality and quantity of the bone makes it possible for you to determine the ideal location for your patient’s implants, increasing the probability of a successful procedure. Knowing the exact location of critical anatomies, such as the mandibular nerve and the maxillary sinus cavities, provides confidence that implant placement will proceed smoothly and safely. Surgical guides ensure that all of your patient’s implants get placed appropriately using this valuable information.
Benefits & Features
In conjunction with a patient’s CT scan, 360dps pre-surgical treatment planning software is designed to make implant insertions faster, more comfortable, safer, and more precise. 3D CBCT data contains more information than conventional 2D radiographs. This additional information, together with the surgical template, gives you confidence during the surgical procedure. Furthermore, guided surgery allows for performing minimally invasive surgery, resulting in a less painful process for the patient.
Unparalleled Ease of Use
The 360dps user-friendly interface guides you through a logical path for every treatment plan. In just a few simple steps, you will be able to plan the most complicated implant cases.
Enhanced Diagnostics
Careful diagnostics through the use of 3D imaging information facilitates an optimal assessment of bone and prosthetic issues, coordination of the entire treatment team (including the dental Lab), and clear communication to the patient, ultimately leading to a treatment that delivers high predictability, safety and esthetic results.
Effective Treatment Planning
With 360dps, all critical decisions draw consideration before surgery. Using 3D CBCT scan data, you can diagnose, plan, and perform dental implant rehabilitations with increased predictability, patient comfort and superior esthetic results. With 360dps, diagnostics and treatment planning happens before surgery.
We utilize the agreed-upon treatment plan to design an accurate surgical template that is fabricated and delivered from the production facility in Atlanta, Georgia. 360 surgical guides facilitate safe, minimally invasive surgery that results in less patient pain, reduced swelling and shortened healing times.
3shape D2000 Scanner and Design Software
Our 3Shape Dental System™ is the ultimate tool for 3D scanning, CAD design, order management and interfaces to essentially all manufacturing equipment and materials.
3Shape offers technology-leading dental scanners for 3D scanning of both physical impressions and gypsum models. The D2000 scanner is capable of providing the accuracy and detail required for full-arch bridges and implant bars. Unique technology features include 5.0 MP cameras, adaptive impression scanning, and texture-capture capabilities. Full integration with 3Shape’s design software ensures the optimal scan-to-design workflow at Watersedge.
Implant bars and bridges represent the most accuracy-demanding indication. Complementing the ISO standard, 3Shape additionally validates scan accuracy using specially designed implant objects.